Tuesday 26 February 2013

Why Road Rants?

Simply put, several years ago I met an elderly German lady who said the best way to get over things that upset you is to write it down and stick it in an envelope, then leave it there.

So in the 21st century, this is my paper and my envelope is the interweb. Feel free to join in, add your comments and your upsets too. Please forgive my inner Victor Meldrew

So without further ado here we go - kicking off with #cyclists, #taxis and #selfish drivers.

My top 5 issues with cyclists

  1. They can't decide whether to be on the footpath or the road (and are often found in groups using both)
  2. They wear all the gear, lycra, helmets, funny shoes, etc and cycle along pedalling like stink, but doing 3mph
  3. They expect courtesy yet do stupid things like cycle the wrong way up one way streets
  4. When doing number 3 they cycle in the middle of the street, not even trying to ride along the edges
  5. In heavy or slow traffic they cycle down the inside of the lane, and then get furious when the crash over drain covers (undertaking is illegal isn't it?)
My top 5 issues with taxi drivers
  1. They always expect to be able to push their way out into the traffic, but will never let anyone else out.
  2. They believe that putting hazard lights on makes it safe to park anywhere
  3. They believe that if they straddle a double yellow line (UK law says no parking or stopping or waiting), ie one wheel on the kerb and the other in the road, that the double yellow doesn't count
  4. They are unable to read markings on the road surface, ie give way lines or junction boxes
  5. They often stop facing oncoming traffic at night, but forget (can't be bothered) to dip their lights.
My top 5 issues with selfish drivers
  1. Lousy parking, usually Peugot or Audi drivers, just stopping is not parking, you need to tuck over so you at least make an attempt at being close to the kerb.
  2. The 'don't park outside my house' crew, unless you live in a parking permit street, it is first come first served - you have no rights, you certainly have no rights if you live in a two up, two down and expect to fit 2 cars in front of it (they won't fit anyway) - if you have two cars, buy a bigger place with more parking (or quit complaining)
  3. It doesn't take much to wave a thanks for someone letting you out of a side road  people don't have to, they could make you wait!
  4. If my 2 year old daughter can see the sign that says two lanes are going to turn into one, surely you as a car driver can notice them too.
  5. There is a stick that is usually attached to your steering column, that operates flashing lights that give other road users a clue about where you intend to go - please use it (residents of Boston,Ma are exempt, because as far as I know there are bulbs fitted to cars there)